Cookie Policy

We collect information using various technologies which may including sending cookies to your mobile device or computer. Cookies help us improve our Services and your experience by counting visits to determine which features or areas of our Services are popular. We use the following cookies, which are stored in your device memory or computer’s hard drive:

How to Manage Cookies

All cookies stored on your computer can generally by deleted. Browsers also offer settings to disable cookies as well. Go to the “Help” section in your browser settings to obtain information specific to your browser on how to manage cookies. You may be required to manually change your setting preferences each time you visit certain websites. Choosing to disable cookies may prevent you from accessing certain functions or features of this site and others. For more information on how to manage cookies in your browser, please visit:
Please note that rejecting or removing cookies from your browser may not affect third party flash cookies our service utilizes. Visit here for more information. If you choose to reject or remove cookies, the functionality and availability of our Services may be affected.For more details on how we collect, store and use your information, please review our Privacy Policy.