
Event “Festive Night of Cherry Blossoms” Now Live

Thank you for continuously enjoying “Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?: Battle Chronicle.”


  1. Event now live!
  2. Event Schedule
  3. Event Featured Rewards
  4. Event Quest to be Held Later
  5. This Time’s Event Buff / Bonus
  6. Important Notice

Event is now live!

The event “Festive Night of Cherry Blossoms” has started from 12:00 on 2/19 (UTC+9).
Join the event and enjoy battles and an original story that can only be seen through this event.
The “Festival Medal (Silver)” you earn in battles can be exchanged for various items such as special Scene Cards, Battle Items, upgrade materials, and more at the dedicated exchange shop.

*Please make use of character enhancements to prepare for the upcoming high-difficulty quests and ranking events scheduled for later.

Event Schedule

Event / Login Bonus Period 2/19 12:00 – 3/13 4:00 (UTC+9)
Test of Strength Quest Period 2/26 12:00 – 3/13 4:00 (UTC+9)
Ranking Battle (Practice)
2/26 12:00 – 3/13 4:00 (UTC+9)
Ranking Event
3/10 12:00 ~ 3/13 4:00 (UTC+9)
Reward Claim Period 2/19 12:00 – 3/16 14:00 (UTC+9)

*Please note that the end time of this event differs from the previous one.
*The second part of the event story is scheduled to be added at 12:00 on 2/28 (UTC+9).

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Event Featured Rewards

Event-specific Scene Cards and Battle Items that can be exchanged at this event are as follows.
The new Battle Item “Festive Hair Ornament” grants a shield based on maximum HP, so go check it out.

Icon Exchangeable Items Stock Medals Needed
UR Momentary Happiness, Dancing with Cherry Blossoms 1 500
4 1500
UR Festive Hair Ornament 10 50

In addition to Scene Cards and Battle Items, you can exchange various items such as Upgrade Materials at the Exchange.
Please check the Exchange for details on what can be exchanged.

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Event Quest to be Held Later

Test of Strength Quest Details

The Test of Strength Quest is a challenging quest featuring continuously appearing formidable enemies of the Water attribute.
This time, two types of quests, Test of Strength 1 and Test of Strength 2, will be available.
By clearing the Test of Strength Quest, you can obtain the event-limited Title “The Night is Young” and “Like a Butterfly”.

Ranking Event Details

The Familia Festival is a ranking event where Familias compete against each other to earn the most “Festival Medal (Gold).”
There is a limit to the number of daily challenges, and aiming for higher Event Points in each challenge is crucial for achieving a higher rank.
Participating in the Familia Festival allows you to obtain many Selas and Almighty Bond (Rainbow) depending on your rank.
Strengthen your Characters and Scene Cards and aim for the top of the Familia Festival!

Please note that you can only receive the Familia Festival ranking rewards if you are a member of a Familia.

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This Time’s Event Buff / Bonus

Buff effects on five basic stats will be granted by setting up eligible characters in the event quest.
The buff effect grants up to 40% of the total stats from the unit setup of the adventurer.
By setting up the specified Scene Cards and clearing or skipping the event quest, the amount of obtainable “Festival Medals (Silver)” will increase.
You can increase the effect of the event bonus by “Limit Breaking.”

Event Buff Character List

Icon Character Buff Effect
Dancing Rabbit: Bell Cranel 20%
Evening Blossom: Hitachi Chigusa 20%
Bundle of Cheer: Hestia 20%
Moonlit Fox Beauty: Sanjouno Haruhime 20%

[Party Example]

  • If an eligible Adventurer and eligible Assist for buff bonuses are part of the unit, a 40% buff effect will be applied.
  • If an eligible Adventurer and non-eligible Assist for buff bonuses are part of the unit, a 20% buff effect will be applied.
  • If a non-eligible Adventurer and aneligible Assist for buff bonuses are part of the unit, a 20% buff effect will be applied.
  • *”Moonlit Fox Beauty: Sanjouno Haruhime” is scheduled to be implemented on 3/1.

    Event Bonus Scene Card List

    Icon Specified Scene Card Min. Bonus Effect Max. Bonus Effect
    UR Return to Childhood 15% 30%
    UR Welcome to the Ball 15% 30%
    UR Momentary Happiness, Dancing with Cherry Blossoms 5% 15%

    *For details on how to Limit Break Scene Cards, please refer to “Upgrade>Upgrading Scene Cards” in the Help screen.
    *For “UR Return to Childhood” and “UR Welcome to the Ball,” please check the notice for the ongoing event “Dancing Rabbit: Bell & Evening Blossom: Chigusa New Arrival! Double Rate Up Gacha is now live!.

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    Important Notice

    • Please check the “Table of Contents” on each screen for instructions on how to play various events.
    • You can join the event by clearing the Story “Monsterphilia: Episode 4: Let’s Have a Date (Normal).”
    • “Festival Medal (Silver)” and “Festival Medal (Gold)” are different items with different uses.
    • The cumulative point reward is for the “Festival Medal (Silver).”
      *You will not be able to receive cumulative point rewards even if you obtain the “Festival Medal (Gold).”
    • The “Festival Medal (Silver)” can be obtained in boss battles.
      *It cannot be obtained in Ranking Battles (Practice).
    • The “Festival Medal (Gold)” can be obtained in the Ranking Quests.
    • If the number of “Festival Medal (Gold)” obtained is the same as that of other Familias, the Familia that achieved the cumulative number earlier will be ranked higher.
    • If your Familia earns 1 or more “Festival Medal (Gold)”, all members belonging to the Familia can receive ranking rewards.
    • If your Familia has earned 0 “Festival Medal (Gold)”, all members of the Familia will not be able to receive ranking rewards.
    • “Festival Medal (Silver)” and “Festival Medal (Gold)” obtained in this event cannot be used in future Events/Ranking Events.
    • Rewards that can be obtained for this event may reappear in the future.
    • After the event period ends, you will not be able to play event Quests or Scenarios.
    • Items cannot be exchanged after the event dedicated Exchange period ends.
    • The Login Bonus Event will end when all rewards are received during the event period.
    • The cumulative point reward is for the “Festival Medal (Silver).”累計pt報酬の対象は「祝祭メダル(銀)」となります。
    • After the update at 2:30 (UTC+9) on the final day of the Ranking Event, the ranking screen will also be refreshed during reward distribution, allowing you to confirm your final placement.
    • Ranking Rewards will be distributed to the Gift Box after the event period ends and as soon as the tally is completed.
    • The stated period and campaign details are subject to change without notice.

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    We hope you continue to support “Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?: Battle Chronicle.”

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