
Daily (Upgrade Quest)

In the Upgrade Quest, you can challenge quests that give more upgrade materials and Valis than a regular quest.
Unlike regular Daily Quests, Upgrade Quests change each day of the week, offering different challenges for players.
Furthermore, the rarity of the upgrade materials that can be obtained improves as the quest difficulty increases.
While only some rewards are displayed in the available rewards, upgrade materials for each rarity and each attribute drop as part of the rewards.

Upgrade Quest Unlock Conditions

It will be unlocked by clearing the Monsterphilia “Episode 2: That’s Why I Want to Be Helpful” on Normal difficulty.

How to Challenge

Challenge by following the steps below.

  1. Select [Daily Quest] on the Quest page
  2. Select [Upgrade Quest]
  3. Select the battle you want to challenge
  4. Select [Prepare to Attack]
  5. Set the units you want to go with
    *For information on setup, please check the “Setup” in the Help section.
  6. Select [Set Off] and battle with battle with the units you chose

Quests Unlocked on the Day of the Week

Mon.: Limit Break (Fire, Water, Electric)
Tue.: Skill Lv. Upgrade (Adventurer)
Wed.: Limit Break (Earth, Wind)
Thu.: Skill Lv. Upgrade (Assist)
Fri.: Valis
Sat.: All quests from Mon. to Fri.
Sun.: All quests from Mon. to Fri.

Challenge Attempts Limit and Recovery

The challenge count is consumed upon successfully clearing the quest.
You can attempt any of the Daily Quests once, and they reset every day at 4:00 (UTC+9).
By spending Selas, you can replenish the number of challenge attempts.

Consumption of Selas for Recovery

The Selas consumed will increase with each successive attempt.
1st time:30
2nd time:50
3rd time:100
4th time:200
5th time and beyond:300

The recovery count resets every day at 4:00 (UTC+9).

See Notice List