

In Daily, you can take on Quests that allow you to gain a greater amount of the Upgrade Materials and Valis required to upgrade your Adventurers
There are several quests in the Daily, and the rarity of the upgrade materials available is higher in the later quests. Upgrade Materials from each attribute and rarity may drop and will be shown as an available reward.

Daily Unlock Conditions

Clear Monsterphilia”Episode 2: That’s Why I Want to Be Helpful”(Normal) to unlock.

Taking on Daily Quests

You can take on Daily Quests as follows:
  1. Select “Daily” from the Adventure page.
  2. Select “Daily Quest”.
  3. Select the Battle you want to play.
  4. Select “Prepare to Depart”
  5. Set up the Unit you want to depart with.
    *For more about Setup, please see “Setup” in Help.
  6. Select “Depart.” The battle will begin with the Unit you set up.

Attempt Limits and Restoration

You can clear each Quest up to once per day.
You can attempt any of the daily quests once, and it resets daily at 04:00 (UTC).

See Notice List