
Battle Arena Setup

To challenge in the Battle Arena, follow the steps below.

  1. Select “Arena” at the home screen.
  2. Select “Battle Arena.”
  3. Select “Challenge” next to Setup of the other player you want to challenge.
  4. To equip a Battle Item, check the Unit in Setup screen.
    Select the “+” in the 1st slot from the left.
    To equip a Scene Card, check the Unit in Setup screen.
    select the “+” in the 2nd to 4th slot from the left.
  5. Select one of the following “Tactics,” and then select “Battle Start”:
    – Attack Priority
    – Recovery Priority
    – Support Priority
    – Special Move Priority
    – Assist Skill Priority
    – Prioritize Item Skills

    Defense Setup in the “Battle Arena”

  1. Select “Arena” at the home screen.
  2. Select “Battle Arena.”
  3. Select “Defense Setup.”
  4. To equip Battle Items, check the Unit in Setup screen
     Select the “+” on the first frame from the left.
     To equip Scene Cards, check the Unit in Setup screen
     Select the “+” button on the 2nd to 4th slots from the left.
  5. Select one of the following “Tactics”:
    – Attack Priority
    – Recovery Priority
    – Support Priority
    – Special Move Priority
    – Assist Skill Priority
    – Prioritize Item Skills
    *To set up a new additional defense party, select “Setting Up Defense Party”.

See Notice List