
Buff/Debuff Effects

Certain Techniques and Skills can activate the following buffs/debuffs as field effects.
*The duration and effectiveness of buffs/debuffs caused by Techniques or Skills vary depending on their upgrade status.

About Buffs and Debuff

    A buff refers to a state where stats, movement speed, etc. increase, leading to an “advantageous condition.”
    On the other hand, a debuff refers to the occurrence of a “disadvantageous condition.”
    During battles, you can check the distinction between buffs/debuffs, as well as their remaining duration, by observing the gauge displayed around the buff/debuff icon.

    Buffs are displayed with a blue icon while debuffs are displayed with a red icon.
  • Buff
  • Debuff

Status Types

  • HP/Continuous Recovery/Increase/Decrease
  • Strength/Increase/Decrease
  • Endurance/Increase/Decrease
  • Magic/Increase/Decrease
  • Dexterity/Increase/Decrease

The mentioned statuses can be affected, causing their value to change.

Damage Types

  • Increase Normal Attack Damage/Decrease
  • Increase Technique Damage/Reduce
  • Increase Special Move Damage/Decrease
  • Critical Rate Increase/Rate
  • Critical Damage Increase/Decrease
  • Attribute Damage Increase/Decrease
  • Attribute Received Damage Increase/Decrease
  • Damage Increase/Decrease
  • Received Damage Reduction/Increase
  • Increase HP Recovery/Decrease

The mentioned contents can be affected, causing their value to change.

Debuff Types

  • Poison/Resist Poison
  • Burn/Resist Burn

Characters will receive continuous damage when they are affected by the above debuffs.
If they have resistance, Characters will not be affected by the said debuffs.

  • Paralyze/Resist Paralysis
  • Faint/Resist Faint
  • Freeze/Resist Freeze

Characters cannot take action or will be slowed for a duration when they are affected by the above debuffs.
If they have resistance, Characters will not be affected by the said debuffs.

  • Bind/Resist Bind

Characters will not be able to move.
If they have resistance, Characters will not be affected by the said debuff.

Movement Speed

  • Increase Movement Speed/Decrease

The mentioned contents can be affected, causing their value to change.


  • Shield

A shield takes a certain amount of damage instead of the Character.


  • Stealth

The Character will not take enemy targeting for a certain period.

Debuff Resistance Types

  • All Debuff Resistance
  •  The Character becomes immune to all negative effects of debuffs.
  • Resist Knockback
  •  The Character will be immune to Knockback.
  • Resist Fall
  •  The Character will be immune to Fall.


  • Realis
  •  Realis is a buff that that can be stocked, and holding multiple amounts will raise per stock.
     Up to 10 Realis can be stocked.
     All stocked Realis will be lost when switching Characters.

Cost Category

  • Increase Gauge Accumulation Rate

For a certain duration, specified costs will be easier to accumulate.
(If it’s an increase in Special Move cost, then only the Special Move cost will increase.)

  • Cost Reduction

For a certain duration, the specified cost amount will be reduced.
(If it’s a reduction in Special Move cost, then only the Special Move cost will be reduced.)

Lethal Damage Negation

  • Lethal Damage Negation

When a unit in operation takes damage reducing its HP to 0, the effect of the Lethal Damage Negation is removed with 1 HP remaining.

See Notice List