

Adventurers are characters who can be controlled during battle.
You can add them to the combat slots when forming a party.
Adventurers possess the following abilities.

    Basic Status

    For more details, please see “Character >Basic Status.”


    For more details, please see “Battle >Role.”


    For more details, please see “Battle >Attribute.”


    Each character possesses up to 4 Categories.
    *For more details, please go to Help “Character >Category.”

    Normal Attack

    Actions that deal damage to enemies.
    Each Adventurer has different Attack Multipliers and No. of Attacks.
    A normal attack on an enemy causes the gauge for the techniques and special moves described below to accumulate. *For details on Normal Attacks, please see “Upgrade > select any Character > Skill Details.”


    Adventurers have “Technique 1” and “Technique 2.”
    Skills have effects such as “Attack”, “Recovery” and “Status Increases”, as well as an Area of Effect, such as “Area”, “Self” and “All Units.”
    *For details on each type of Technique, please see “Upgrade > select any Character > Skill Details.”

    Special Move

    An extremely powerful move with a higher effect multiplier than Technique 1 and Technique 2.
    *For details on Special Moves, please see “Upgrade > select any Character > Skill Details.”

    For more details on strengthening Adventurers, please see Help “Upgrade >Training Adventurers.”

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