
Positions of Familia

Familia has the following positions:

  • Captain
  • Vice-Captain


Captain can do the following:
  • Setup the Familia
  • Control over applications
  • Transfer Captaincy
  • Promotion and demotion of the Vice-Captain
  • Expulsion of Members


Vice-Captain can do the following:
  • Setup the Familia
  • Control over applications

How to change and manage members

Follow the steps below to make changes.
  1. Select “Familia” at the bottom of the home screen.
  2. Select “Member Details.”
  3. Select “Member Management.”
  4. Select “Grant Familia Privilages”, “Transfer Captaincy”, or “Expel”.
  5. Select “OK”. Familia Privileges will be granted, the captain will be changed, and the member will be expelled.

Checking Membership Requests and Invitation Lists

  1. Click “Manage” from the Familia home screen.
  2. Select “Member Details.”
  3. Select “Membership Application List” to accept membership request or check the Invitation Lists.

See Notice List