
Score Attack

The Score Attack allows you to play previously held “Ranking Event Quests.”
Get a score based on how many enemies you defeat within the time limit and get rewards according to your score.

How to Play

In the Score Attack quests, the goal is to defeat as many enemies as possible within a 180-second time limit.
The number of enemies defeated affects the amount of “Score Medals” you can earn upon clearing the quest.
Score Medals are treated as “points (Score)” and the score is determined based on the number of Score Medals you have earned.


In Score Attack, you can earn “Score Rewards” based on your reached score.
*The only item that drops in Score Attack quests is the Score Medal.
*There are no first-time clear rewards for Score Attack quests.


There is no time limit for challenging Score Attack quests, and you can attempt them at any time.


You can challenge Score Attack quests without consuming Stamina.


You cannot use the Skip function.

Best Score

You can check your Best Score at the bottom right of the Quest Details screen.
*You cannot view score history other than your Best Score.

Timing for Adding New Quests

Addition of Score Attack quests will be done at irregularly.

How to Unlock

Clear the Story “Monsterphilia: Episode 4: Let’s Have a Date (Normal)” to unlock.
Furthermore, you can participate in Score Attack even if you haven’t taken part in past events.

See Notice List