
“Freya Familia Boss Rush” Damage Ranking Event Now Live! [3/7 18:00 Update (UTC+9)]

Thank you for continuously enjoying “Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?: Battle Chronicle.”

The event “Freya Familia Boss Rush” Damage Ranking begins as of 3/7 at 0:00 (UTC +9)!


The damage ranking event is a competition where participants aim to achieve the highest damage dealt to enemies within a time limit.
Dealing as much damage as possible during the ranking quests is the key to achieving higher rankings.
There is no daily limit on attempts, so you can challenge as many times as you like.

In this Exclusive Quest, an Water Attribute enemy will appear.
Also, challenging with characters other than those with advantageous attributes will significantly reduced the damage dealt compared to normal quests.
Power up your Electric Attribute characters and take on the challenge.

In the damage ranking event, you can clear the challenge by surviving within the time limit. Scores are recorded and updated only if you complete the quest.
* Please check the notes for details on ranking updates.

Current bugs/issues [3/7 18:00 Update (UTC+9)]

  • We have confirmed an issue in the “Freya Familia Boss Rush” event where, if too much time is spent before the battle with Ottarl, the duration of the battle with Ottarl becomes shorter than expected.
  • We have confirmed an issue in the “Freya Familia Boss Rush” quest where, once a countdown appears during the quest, subsequent countdowns related to battles or the quest’s completion no longer appear.
  • We have confirmed an issue in the “Freya Familia Boss Rush” event where an icon indicating that a “Challenge Ticket” is required appears, even though the quest does not actually consume any “Challenge Tickets.”
  • We have confirmed an issue in the “Freya Familia Boss Rush” Damage Ranking Event where, even after clearing the individual damage ranking, it may not be reflected in the rankings. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to our players.
    We are currently investigating the cause.
    [3/7 18:00 Update (UTC+9)]

Quest Details

“In this quest, you can enjoy consecutive battles with characters from the Freya Familia.
” The characters that appear will retreat from battle once a certain time limit has passed, but by defeating them within the time limit, you will grant permanent buffs to all of your units.

Use these buffs to boost your damage and aim for victory against the powerful final boss!

Appearance Order Target Enemy Time Limit Defeat Buff Drops
1 Alfrigg Gulliver 30 seconds – Damage Increase
– Continuous Recovery
Copper Breastplate ×1
2 Hogni Ragnar 30 seconds – Damage Increase Copper Breastplate ×1
3 Allen Fromel 30 seconds – Damage Increase Copper Breastplate ×1
4 Ottarl 60 seconds


In the ranking event, you can earn Selas and Almighty Bond (Rainbow) based on your rank.
Additionally, from this ranking event onwards, the higher you rank, the greater the rewards you will receive, so aim for a top position and have fun!

Also, by defeating the featured characters, there’s a chance to drop the battle item “Copper Breastplate”, so aim for those defeats to strengthen your forces!

Icon Item Name Effect
[UR] Copper Breastplate Own unit’s support technique
– Grants Increase Technique Gauge Accumulation Rate to own unit. (Usage Count: 2)

When equipped on Evidence of Supremacy: Ottarl, the following special skills will activate:
– Grants Technique Damage Increase

When equipped on a character from the Freya Familia, the following special skills will activate:
– Grants Special Move Damage Increase

Characters with Stats Bonus

In this ranking event, the following status bonus effects will be applied to the listed characters:
The target characters are as follows:

Icon Character Status Bonus Effect Amount
Evidence of Supremacy: Ottarl 40%
Yoke of the Goddess: Freya
Jormungandr: Tione Hiryute 20%
Goddess of Chastity: Artemis
Goddess of Beauty: Freya
God of Medicine: Miach
Queen of the Night: Ishtar


3/7 0:00 – 3/19 3:59 (UTC +9)

Participation Conditions

Clear Story “Monsterphilia: Episode 4: Let’s Have a Date (Normal)” to join the event.

Important Notice

  • The event period is subject to change without notice.
  • The rankings for the Ranking Event will be updated at the following times during the event period: “02:30,” “05:30,” “08:30,” “11:30,” “14:30,” “17:30,” “20:30,” and “23:30” (UTC+9).
  • After the update at 2:30 (UTC+9) on the final day of the Ranking Event, the ranking screen will also be refreshed during reward distribution, allowing you to confirm your final placement.
  • Ranking Rewards will be distributed to the Gift Box after the event period ends and as soon as the tally is completed.
  • If 1 or more damage is dealt, you will receive ranking rewards.
  • If 0 damage is dealt, you will not receive ranking rewards.
  • If the damage dealt is the same as other users, the user that reaches the highest damage faster will be ranked higher.
  • After the Event ends, you will not be able to play Event-specific quests or scenarios.

We hope you continue to support “Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?: Battle Chronicle.”

See Notice List