
Bargain Packs Now on Sale for the 2 Month Release Celebration

Thank you for continuously enjoying “Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?: Battle Chronicle.”

From 12:00 on 10/24 (UTC+9), deal packs in celebration of the 2-month anniversary of the release have been added to the Shop!
Additionally, the purchase limits for the Character Level-Up Packs, Rank Upgrade Packs, and Limit Break Packs that are already available will be reset.
There will also be limited-time packs available, so please don’t miss out.

For more details on the packs that will be added, please check below.

2 Month Celebration! Selas Pack

There will be a Selas Pack that includes 10 Almighty Bond (Rainbow) and another that includes 1 Memory Crystal (Rainbow) as a bonus available for a limited time!
The 10 Almighty Bond (Rainbow) can be used for Awakening UR characters, and the 1 Memory Crystal (Rainbow) alone can be used to Limit Break UR Scene Cards.
You can purchase this pack only once, so don’t miss this opportunity!

*Please note that the iOS version is currently under Apple’s review and it will be available again once it passes. We appreciate your patience on this matter.

Please check the Shop for details about sales price and content.

■Pack Sale Period

10/24 12:00 – 11/7 12:00 (UTC+9)

Icon Item Name Content Purchase Count

2 Month Celebration! Selas Pack with Memory Crystal (Rainbow) x1
Selas x4,000
Bonus: Memory Crystal (Rainbow) x1
Up to 1 time

2 Month Celebration! Selas Pack with Almighty Bond (Rainbow) x10
Selas x8,000
Bonus: Almighty Bond (Rainbow) x10
Up to 1 time

Start Support! Character Pack

A new pack containing SSR Characters, various Falnas, Excelia, and Valis is now available!
Also, a pack containing SSR Character bonds and various Proofs is added as well.

SSR characters can perform quite well depending on the recommended attribute quests and party compositions. So take this opportunity to strengthen characters of attributes you might be lacking.

Please check the Shop for details about sales price and content.

■Pack Sale Period

10/24 12:00 – (UTC+9)

Adventurer Pack/Adventurer Bond Pack

Icon Item Name Content

Start Support! Adventurer Pack SSR Gareth
Unconquerable: Gareth Landrock
Earth Falna (S) x10
Earth Falna (M) x3
Excelia (S) x15
Excelia (M) x3
Valis x20,000

Start Support! Adventurer Pack SSR Ais
War Princess: Ais Wallenstein
Earth Falna (S) x10
Earth Falna (M) x3
Excelia (S) x15
Excelia (M) x3
Valis x20,000

Start Support! Adventurer Pack SSR Welf
Smith of Flames: Welf Crozzo
Fire Falna (S) x10
Fire Falna (M) x3
Excelia (S) x15
Excelia (M) x3
Valis x20,000

Start Support! Adventurer Bond Pack SSR Tiona
Lady of the Two-Handed Blade: Tiona Hiryute’s Bond x10
Proof of Attack (S) x13
Proof of Attack (M) x1
Proof of Secret Art (S) x13
Proof of Secret Art (M) x1

Start Support! Adventurer Bond Pack SSR Daphne
Laurus Fuga: Daphne Lauros’s Bond x10
Proof of Attack (S) x13
Proof of Attack (M) x1
Proof of Secret Art (S) x13
Proof of Secret Art (M) x1

Start Support! Adventurer Bond Pack SSR Bete
Wolf: Bete Loga’s Bond x10
Proof of Attack (S) x13
Proof of Attack (M) x1
Proof of Secret Art (S) x13
Proof of Secret Art (M) x1

Start Support! Adventurer Bond Pack SSR Tione
Twin-Bladed Dancer: Tione Hiryute’s Bond x10
Proof of Attack (S) x13
Proof of Attack (M) x1
Proof of Secret Art (S) x13
Proof of Secret Art (M) x1

Start Support! Adventurer Bond Pack SSR Gareth
Unconquerable: Gareth Landrock’s Bond x10
Proof of Attack (S) x13
Proof of Attack (M) x1
Proof of Secret Art (S) x13
Proof of Secret Art (M) x1

Start Support! Adventurer Bond Pack SSR Ais
War Princess: Ais Wallenstein’s Bond x10
Proof of Attack (S) x13
Proof of Attack (M) x1
Proof of Secret Art (S) x13
Proof of Secret Art (M) x1

Start Support! Adventurer Bond Pack SSR Welf
Smith of Flames: Welf Crozzo’s Bond x10
Proof of Attack (S) x13
Proof of Attack (M) x1
Proof of Secret Art (S) x13
Proof of Secret Art (M) x1

Assist Pack/Assist Bond Pack

Icon Item Name Content

Start Support! Assist Pack SSR Takemikazuchi
God of Guidance: Takemikazuchi
Earth Falna (S) x10
Earth Falna (M) x3
Excelia (S) x15
Excelia (M) x3
Valis x20,000

Start Support! Assist Pack SSR Hephaistios
Divine Artisan: Hephaistios
Fire Falna (S) x10
Fire Falna (M) x3
Excelia (S) x15
Excelia (M) x3
Valis x20,000

Start Support! Assist Pack SSR Hermes
God of Romance: Hermes
Water Falna (S) x10
Water Falna (M) x3
Excelia (S) x15
Excelia (M) x3
Valis x20,000

Start Support! Assist Pack SSR Miach
Apothecary: Miach
Water Falna (S) x10
Water Falna (M) x3
Excelia (S) x15
Excelia (M) x3
Valis x20,000

Start Support! Assist Pack SSR Asfi
Acquaintance of the Gale: Asfi Al Andromeda
Wind Falna (S) x10
Wind Falna (M) x3
Excelia (S) x15
Excelia (M) x3
Valis x20,000

Start Support! Assist Pack SSR Chigusa
Delicate Girl: Hitachi Chigusa
Electric Falna (S) x10
Electric Falna (M) x3
Excelia (S) x15
Excelia (M) x3
Valis x20,000

Start Support! Assist Pack SSR Syr
Lady of Many Looks: Syr Flover
Electric Falna (S) x10
Electric Falna (M) x3
Excelia (S) x15
Excelia (M) x3
Valis x20,000

Start Support! Assist Bond Pack SSR Takemikazuchi
God of Guidance: Takemikazuchi’s Bond x10
Proof of Support (S) x13
Proof of Support (M) x1
Proof of Perpetuity (S) x13
Proof of Perpetuity (M) x1

Start Support! Assist Bond Pack SSR Hephaistios
Divine Artisan: Hephaistios’s Bond x10
Proof of Support (S) x13
Proof of Support (M) x1
Proof of Perpetuity (S) x13
Proof of Perpetuity (M) x1

Start Support! Assist Bond Pack SSR Hermes
God of Romance: Hermes’s Bond x10
Proof of Support (S) x13
Proof of Support (M) x1
Proof of Perpetuity (S) x13
Proof of Perpetuity (M) x1

Start Support! Assist Bond Pack SSR Miach
Apothecary: Miach’s Bond x10
Proof of Support (S) x13
Proof of Support (M) x1
Proof of Perpetuity (S) x13
Proof of Perpetuity (M) x1

Start Support! Assist Bond Pack SSR Asfi
Acquaintance of the Gale: Asfi Al Andromeda’s Bond x10
Proof of Support (S) x13
Proof of Support (M) x1
Proof of Perpetuity (S) x13
Proof of Perpetuity (M) x1

Start Support! Assist Bond Pack SSR Chigusa
Delicate Girl: Hitachi Chigusa’s Bond x10
Proof of Support (S) x13
Proof of Support (M) x1
Proof of Perpetuity (S) x13
Proof of Perpetuity (M) x1

Start Support! Assist Bond Pack SSR Syr
Lady of Many Looks: Syr Flover’s Bond x10
Proof of Support (S) x13
Proof of Support (M) x1
Proof of Perpetuity (S) x13
Proof of Perpetuity (M) x1

New Pack Additions for Character Level-Up Pack/Rank Upgrade Pack/Limit Break Pack

Newly added are the Character Level-Up Pack (XL) and Limit Break Pack (L), which will help you further strengthen your characters!
In addition, the Limit Break Pack (L) for each attribute now includes the Falna (XL) for each attribute, which was not previously available in the Shop.
Furthermore, there is also a new Rank Upgrade Pack (XL) available to enhance Scene Cards more effectively.

Additionally, the purchase limits for the Character Level-Up Pack, Rank Upgrade Pack, and Limit Break Pack that have been available in the past have been reset.
Feel free to make use of these packs according to your party composition and enhancement progress.
*Please note that the Character Level-Up Pack (XL) and Rank Upgrade Pack (XL) will become available in the shop once you reach Player Rank “20.”

Please check the Shop for details about sales price and content.

■Pack Sale Period

10/24 12:00 – (UTC+9)

Icon Item Name Content

Character Level-Up Pack (XL)
Excelia (L) x30
Excelia (XL) x9

Rank Upgrade Pack (XL)
Memory Excelia (L) x30
Memory Excelia (XL) x9

Fire Limit Break Pack (L)
Fire Falna (S) x50
Fire Falna (M) x15
Fire Falna (L) x5
Fire Falna (XL) x3

Wind Limit Break Pack (L)
Wind Falna (S) x50
Wind Falna (M) x15
Wind Falna (L) x5
Wind Falna (XL) x3

Earth Limit Break Pack (L)
Earth Falna (S) x50
Earth Falna (M) x15
Earth Falna (L) x5
Earth Falna (XL) x3

Electric Limit Break Pack (L)
Electric Falna (S) x50
Electric Falna (M) x15
Electric Falna (L) x5
Electric Falna (XL) x3

Water Limit Break Pack (L)
Water Falna (S) x50
Water Falna (M) x15
Water Falna (L) x5
Water Falna (XL) x3

Important Notice

  • The sales period and contents are subject to change without notice.
  • Packages may be resold after the sale period ends.
  • You can purchase up to the stated limit per account. Even if you change the platform you log in to, you cannot purchase more than the upper limit.
  • Please check the Shop for details on sales prices and content.

We hope for your continued support of “Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?: Battle Chronicle.”

See Notice List