
“DanChro” Director's Letter Vol. 1

Greetings to all.
This is Nakabayashi, the Development Director, and Akaiwa, the Operations Director of DanChro.

Based on the feedback we’ve received from all of you and the results of the recent survey, we’d like to share with you the next steps of DanChro through a Director’s Letter.

DanChro has recently reached a remarkable milestone with over 3 million downloads worldwide.
We are immensely grateful for all the suggestions and feedback we’ve received from our players, showing how much you care about DanChro.
We’d like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude once again.

We, like everyone else, play “DanChro” daily and have been considering the main issues based on your feedback. Here’s what we’ve identified:

▼Major Challenges of “DanChro”

  1. Imbalance in the Stamina management
  2. Difficulty and lack of clarity in collecting character enhancement materials
  3. Balancing the difficulty and satisfaction of action gameplay while adjusting the difficulty level for auto battles
  4. Various aspects of the controls
  5. Cheating countermeasures in events like Magic Stone Scramble

We believe there are many other challenges, but we will focus on improving the areas mentioned above.

Improving “1. Imbalance in the Stamina management”

It has been a concern among our players that the imbalance in Stamina management has resulted in a limited number of quests that can be played in a day, making the game progress challenging.
To address this issue, we are planning to make the following changes to the stamina system:

  • Raising the Stamina Cap
  • Increase the Stamina recovery rate to approximately twice the current rate
  • Increase the recovery amount of various Potato Poppers

Furthermore, we are planning to implement missions where you can recover Stamina during different time periods without consuming “Potato Poppers” or “Selas.”

Improving “2. Difficulty and lack of clarity in collecting character enhancement materials”

We are making changes to allow you to “Skip Daily Quests.”
However, simply making it possible to skip Daily Quests will not solve the difficulty of collecting enhancement materials.

Therefore, we plan to add the “Weekday Dungeons (tentative name)” where you can easily obtain materials corresponding to each attribute and gather Valis.
With the introduction of this “Weekday Dungeon (tentative name),” we believe that strengthening your characters will become more manageable.

The date is yet to be decided, but we are also considering a feature that will reset a character’s enhancements and return materials other than Valis to the player.
With the implementation of this feature, we believe it will be easier to try out new characters.

“3. Balancing the difficulty and satisfaction of action gameplay while adjusting the difficulty level for auto battles”

While the difficulty of the game in terms of action gameplay has received positive feedback in the surveys, we’ve received numerous opinions about the difficulty in auto-battle situations.
We are constantly exploring whether we should prioritize a difficulty level that emphasizes action gameplay or a difficulty level that allows for auto-play in all quests.

However, since there are indeed some challenging aspects to the controls for a game that can be played on smartphones, we will make adjustments to the “overall difficulty of Normal Quests” and “ensure the advantage of attributes.”
The “recommended power” also takes into account a more action gameplay based value, and we will consider adjustments in this area as well.

Improving “4. Various aspects of the controls”

As for this aspect, specific improvement plans have not been determined yet, but we will begin addressing it from the areas that players interact with frequently, such as “progression through various events” and “character enhancement,” among others.
We, the DanChro team, also believe that there are various improvements needed, and we would like to ask for some time to work on these improvements.
Additionally, we will make improvements to the extent possible in areas where we can make immediate changes.

Improving “5. Countermeasures Against Cheating”

We have identified instances of cheating primarily in events like the Magic Stone Scramble and event ranking quests where damage values are manipulated.
We will not only take appropriate measures, such as account suspensions, against those we have confirmed are cheating, but we are also striving to establish mechanisms that prevent cheating.
We plan to implement these countermeasures by the end of this year, so please be patient for a little while longer.

This wraps up our explanation about improvements.
As mentioned at the beginning, improvements are not limited to these points, and we have plans for more in the future.

▼Upcoming Updates

Next, we would like to introduce the upcoming updates and changes.
The update details can also be checked on the Grand Schedule posted on the same day.

Here for Grand Schedule
*Please note that these update details are subject to change or cancellation.

10/24 (Tuesday)

  • Implementation of Stamina Revision
  • Changing Daily Quests to be Skippable
  • Start of the event “Pumpkin Ephialtes (Nightmare),” featuring the characters “Ryu,” “Syr,” “Daphne,” and “Cassandra” in costumes, visiting a certain village.
  • Official Launch of the United Final Battle *This time will be the Electric Attribute.

First Half of November

  • Raising the CP cap to Lv. 50


  • Event “All-Comers Championship Decider Match” to Commence

Second Half of November

  • New Content “Weekday Dungeon(TBD)” Added
  • New Content “????” Added
  • AI improvements for auto-battles (character switching, use of Battle Items, fine-tuning)
  • Addition of Completion Rewards for Battle Missions
  • Balance adjustments: Buffing the “Speed” and “Support” roles.
  • United Final Battle *Earth Attribute scheduled.

First Half of December

  • Event “Holy Night Snow Competition” to Commence


  • Familia improvements
  • Implementation of new character training content.

Second Half of December

  • New Event to Start!


Once again, thank you for playing “DanChro.”
The encouragement and feedback we receive from all of you are closely monitored by the entire DanChro team. This feedback is invaluable in our continuous efforts to improve the game.
Though we recognize there are still many areas where we need improvement, please do continue to enjoy DanChro.

***Please be aware that the content mentioned in this Director’s Letter is subject to change.

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