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Gacha Bonus Points

This feature allows you to earn points based on your usage of certain eligible gachas.
Once the accumulated points reach a certain amount, you can receive rewards.

*For details on the eligible gachas, please refer to the gacha screen or notice currently available.
*For details on the rewards that can be obtained with gacha bonus points, please refer to the gacha screen or notice.

Gacha Bonus Points

The number of gacha bonus points you earn varies depending on the type of Selas used (paid / free) and the usage details (1 draw / 10 draws).
*You can check the breakdown of the earned Gacha Bonus Points from the “Details” section on the gacha bonus points screen.

■1 Draw Gacha
– Paid Selas (1-draw use): 2 points
– Free Selas (1-draw use): 1 point
– Paid Selas + Free Selas: 1 point (*)

* For 1 draws, if you use a combination of paid and free Selas, it will always be counted as “1 point” regardless of the amount used.

* Example: [1 draw: 300 Selas]
– 299 Free Selas + 1 Paid Selas: 1 point

■10-Draw Gacha
– Paid Selas (10-draw use): 20 points
– Free Selas (10-draw use): 10 points
– Paid Selas + Free Selas: (*)

* For 10-draw gachas, the point calculation is based on “1/10” of the total Selas used for the 10 draws, not the 1 draw consumption rate.
* If you use a combination of paid and free Selas for a 10-draw, the total consumption of both paid and free Selas is counted as “1 point” per draw.
* Example: [10 draws: 2800 Selas]
– 281 Free Selas (2 points) + 2519 Paid Selas (16 points): 18 points